

Visible "An die Freude"


White Hands Chorus NIPPON


Mariko Tagashira

“Visible An die Freude”

will show you Beethoven’s Symphony No.9 as you have never seen before!

This unique photo exhibition visualizes music through the movements of sign language interpreted by deaf performers of the White Hands Chorus NIPPON.

The children of the White Hands Chorus NIPPON translated the lyrics of Schiller’s “Ode to Joy” into sign language and performed with the highly acclaimed Bach Collegium Japan on December 21st, 2021 at the Tokyo Metropolitan Theatre.

Artist Mariko Tagashira took photographs of the members of the White Hands Chorus NIPPON wearing white gloves with LED lights in fingertips, in a dark room. The traces of the light shown in photographs demonstrate the dynamism of the 9th Symphony performed through sign-language.

The White Hands Chorus NIPPON

The White Hands Chorus is an inclusive choir started in 1995 in Venezuela, the home of "El Sistema". In Japan, the chorus was founded in 2017 in Tokyo Metropolitan Theatre. The group is composed of a gestural part that sings with sign-language-based corporal expression and a voice group that sings in chorus.

We have children who are deaf, hard of hearing, visually impaired, developmentally disabled and those without disabilities.

The rehearsals are conducted by professional musicians and actors such as Erika Colon, soprano singer, and Tetsuya Izaki, the founder of the Deaf Theater Company in Japan. The program is co-sponsored by the El Sistema Connect and Tokyo Metropolitan Theatre. We also have a chapter in Kyoto and Okinawa. There are approximately 100 participants throughout Japan. In 2021, they performed the opera “Super Angels” (world premiere) composed by Keiichiro Shibuya at the New National Theatre, Tokyo, where their performance was highly acclaimed.

Erika Colon

Erika Colon is the founder and the Artistic Director of the White Hands Chorus NIPPON. It is an education program designed for challenged children, with activities in Tokyo, Kyoto and Okinawa.

She is a professional soprano singer born in Venezuela. She completed her Master’s degree with distinction at the Royal Academy of Music in London in 2009. Erika released a CD with King Records titled “Bridge”after winning Grand-Prix at Tokyo International Singing Competition. She has performed in Japan and international stages, such as Mozart Festival and La Folle Journee. She is the founder of El Sistema Connect, focusing on Social Programs through music.

Mariko Tagashira

Mariko Tagashira is a Photographer.

Born in Onomichi, Hiroshima.

Her career started in 2005 with major works for Japan Post, Suntory and universities, along with commissions for portraits of politicians, artists and business executives.

She finds inspiration in people’s energy facing difficulties. Her artwork projects the energy of fighting spirit.

“Visible An die Freude” was awarded“SDGs Iwasa Artistic Prize” in October, 2022 by Iwasa Foundation


21st July 2023

Talk session

9th July 2023


15th April -14th May 2023

Photo Exhibition


29th April 2023

Kids Program

4th May 2023

Photo Session


Press Release





写真家 田頭真理子とホワイトハンドコーラスNIPPON(以下「WHCN」)による「第九のきせき」の体験型写真展をウィーンで開催するにあたり、新しく「触ってわかる写真」の制作提供で、 キヤノン株式会社(本社:東京都大田区、以下「キヤノン」)およびCanon Production Printing Holding B.V.(本社: オランダ フェンロー、President & CEO 中舛貴信氏、以下「CPP」)から技術協力いただくこととなりました。




写真家 田頭真理子とホワイトハンドコーラスNIPPON(以下「WHCN」)による「第九のきせき」(体験型写真展と第九パフォーマンス)は、多くの方のご協力、協賛、支援を賜り、下記の通り ウィーンにて体験型写真展および障害者国際会議Zero Conference 2024での手話をいれた インクルージブなパフォーマンスを行う運びとなりました。

Press Release

3 December 2023



このたび、「第九のきせき」のパフォーマーであるホワイドハンドコーラスNIPPON(「WHCN」)が、障がい者のバリアゼロを追求し活動するゼロ・プロジェクト(本部:オーストリア ウィーン)による国際賞「ゼロ・プロジェクト・アワード2024」を受賞することが決まりましたので、お知らせいたします。

23 August 2023


このたび、「第九のきせき」のパフォーマーであるホワイドハンドコーラスNIPPONが、障がい者のバリアゼロを追求し活動するゼロ・プロジェクト(本部:オーストリア ウィーン)による 国際賞の候補として残ったことが発表されましたので、お知らせいたします。

31 July 2023


このたび、写真家 田頭真理子とホワイトハンドコーラスNIPPONによる「第九のきせき」の アンバサダーに、落合陽一氏(一般社団法人xDiversity代表)が就任しましたので、お知らせいたします。

14 July 2023


このたび、写真家 田頭真理子とホワイトハンドコーラス NIPPON による「第九のきせき」のウィーンでの開催に際し、株式会社さわかみホールディングス(本社:東京都千代田区、代表:澤上 篤人)より資金提供での協賛をいただくことが決定しました。

3 July 2023


このたび、写真家 田頭真理子とホワイトハンドコーラス NIPPON による「第九のきせき」をウ


6 June 2023

2023-2024 Season Event Booklet of Beethoven-Haus Bonn

Features 20 Photos of “Visible ‘An die Freude’”

We are pleased to announce that 20 photographs from “Visible ‘An die Freude’” by photographer Mariko Tagashira and the White Hands Chorus NIPPON have been selected and featured in the 2023-2024 season event booklet of the Beethoven-Haus Bonn, Germany.

1 April 2023




18 March 2023

“Visible ‘An die Freude’”

Will be Exhibited at Borderless Music Festival KYOTOPHONIE

We are pleased to announce that the inclusive photo exhibition “Visible An die Freude” by photographer Mariko Tagashira and the White Hand Chorus NIPPON will be exhibited at KYOTOPHONIE, the Borderless Music Festival as a sister event of KYOTOGRAPHIE Kyoto International Photography Festival 2023.

9 February 2023

Inclusive Photo Exhibition “Visible ‘An die Freude’” Goes to Europe

We are pleased to announce the establishment of the Executive Committee of "‘Visible An die Freude’ in Europe" with the aim of holding the inclusive photo exhibition "Visible An die Freude" by photographer Mariko Tagashira and White Hand Chorus NIPPON in Europe.



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